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Raz Kids For Mac

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Are you looking for high school assistive technology apps, tools, and resources that you can use with your students? If so, we have you covered. Check out our list below. Let us know if there are any that we missed.

YouTube Kids is an app that sources kid-friendly content from YouTube. The content is presented in an easy to understand interface, and has no ads or external links. Free Download Kids A-Z for PC using this tutorial at BrowserCam. Despite the fact that Kids A-Z application is launched for Google's Android in addition to iOS by Learning A-Z. You could install Kids A-Z on PC for laptop. 301 Moved Permanently. Nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu). ‎Raz the Raspberry Fartle Bird is a mysterious creature that has strange and magical powers. He has been living on a farm for some time but due to a crop failure he has to move on.He has no memory other than the farm and when he meets new friends called Jamie and Lillie he makes his new home wi. Digitally Delivered Leveled Books and Quizzes. With billions of leveled readers already accessed across the world, Raz-Kids is an award-winning resource that provides a library of differentiated books at 29 levels of difficulty students use to practice reading in school, at home, or on the go.

Natural Reader– This is a handy text-to-speech app that works in various formats, including PDF, Doc, and TXT files. As the name implies, you can choose your favorite natural voice type from over 50 choices available.

OCR Instantly Pro– Text-to-speech programs work fine with online material, but there is little in the form of books and worksheets. This app lets you take a photo from a hardcopy document and convert it into text format, that gets converted to speech. This app is available on the Android and iOS platforms. Optical character recognition (OCR) converts an image into a digitized text format that can be copied and pasted on other apps, including emails, IM apps, and SMS.

Raz Kids For Mac Osx

ClaroCom ClaroCom is an iOS app for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). It uses text as a proxy for speech for people who have speech production difficulties. It can be used by children learning to read and adults with difficulties reading. Text-to-speech conversion is also available.

ClaroView– This app allows you to modify the screen of your Mac device. The app works as an overlay for the Mac screen, so it works for every app open on the screen. The overlay color can be chosen from any point of the color spectrum; shade or tints can also be applied.

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Claro MagX – This app functions as a magnifier on your iOS device. It was developed by low-vision technology experts to provide an inexpensive alternative to handheld video magnifier devices. It has no in-app purchases and ads.

Raz Kids For Mac Games

Claro ScanPen – This is a text-to-speech app for iOS devices that works for scanned documents. Take photos, scan or select from your gallery, and use your hand to select the portion you want to be read to you. It does not require Internet access.

ClaroPDF Pro – This is an iOS app that lets you make notes and highlights on your PDF files. PDF files can be read back to you in human-like voices. You can also listen to PDF files in the background while you work on another app (useful for proofreading).

ClaroSpeak – This is a text-to-speech app that allows for high-quality output. It can be used to proofread texts using the voice feature. The integration feature also allows direct text-to-speech conversion from platforms such as Mail, Google Drive, or Dropbox.

News-O-Matic School Edition– This tool helps students stay up to date on the latest news, events, and politics. Teachers can ask students to read and write reports on news articles, which are available for different reading levels; Spanish translations are included. The app also has a text-to-speech feature that reads the news aloud in an understandable voice.

Articulate it! Assistive Technologies– A multiplayer app created to help children with their pronunciation. The app contains over 1,000 images selected by a top language pathologist to enhance phonology at the word and phrase levels. Articulate it! is available on various iOS devices, making it convenient for mobile language pathologists, teachers, or parents.


Articulation Games Assistive Technologies– This app includes four entertaining games with a dynamic way of teaching sound production. The games were assembled by professional speech pathologists, and they contain over 40 phenomes arranged in order of sound placement. The app comes with flashcards and professional sound recordings. Children get rewarded for making progress on the game.

Raz Kids For Mac Free

Click N READ Phonics This app was developed under the expertise of nationally renowned Prof. Ron J. Nelson to teach kindergarteners through third graders phonics using over 100 animated online phonics lessons. It can also be used for older children with learning difficulties and people learning English as a second language.

Citelighter– Citelighter is an assistive research tool that lets you gather facts and materials and arrange them in an orderly fashion. It only takes three easy steps to use Citelighter in your research. Create an account, and download the plug-in, begin a project with the toolbar or website, and you are good to go. Citelighter is also handy while you scour the Internet for suitable or appropriate information.

LibroVox Audio Books– LibroVox Audio Books gives access to over 50,000 downloadable audiobooks. Audiobooks are the reading of the future. They create an easy way to consume knowledge while running, driving, working out, gardening, or doing anything while anywhere. It also allows you to have more space in your home. Instead of having stacks of books, magazines, and papers everywhere, they are all stored on your phone that you always carry with you anyway. This app also helps us save countless trees.

Raz kids for mac os

Articulation Games Assistive Technologies– This app includes four entertaining games with a dynamic way of teaching sound production. The games were assembled by professional speech pathologists, and they contain over 40 phenomes arranged in order of sound placement. The app comes with flashcards and professional sound recordings. Children get rewarded for making progress on the game.

Raz Kids For Mac Free

Click N READ Phonics This app was developed under the expertise of nationally renowned Prof. Ron J. Nelson to teach kindergarteners through third graders phonics using over 100 animated online phonics lessons. It can also be used for older children with learning difficulties and people learning English as a second language.

Citelighter– Citelighter is an assistive research tool that lets you gather facts and materials and arrange them in an orderly fashion. It only takes three easy steps to use Citelighter in your research. Create an account, and download the plug-in, begin a project with the toolbar or website, and you are good to go. Citelighter is also handy while you scour the Internet for suitable or appropriate information.

LibroVox Audio Books– LibroVox Audio Books gives access to over 50,000 downloadable audiobooks. Audiobooks are the reading of the future. They create an easy way to consume knowledge while running, driving, working out, gardening, or doing anything while anywhere. It also allows you to have more space in your home. Instead of having stacks of books, magazines, and papers everywhere, they are all stored on your phone that you always carry with you anyway. This app also helps us save countless trees.

Raz Kids For Mac Desktop

Learning Ally– Learning Ally contains hundreds of audiobooks for children and teenagers. With a monthly subscription, you will have unlimited access. This app is designed to appeal to dyslexic and disabled learners who often have difficulty reading conventional books. Learning Ally allows for easy adjusting of text and fonts to accommodate any child’s needs.

MindMeister– MindMeister is an app available for both Apple and Android devices. It is geared toward dyslexic students, who typically have a difficult time reading the board, listening to the teacher, and taking notes. Using MindMeister to make mind maps and collaboratively create digital notes, students can get creative, keep up, and learn much easier. This app is useful in any classroom or school scenario, as you can analyze papers, notes, projects, or whatever you need with mind maps and graphic organizers.

Kids A-Z– Children can select from a library of eQuizzes, eBooks, and hundreds of developmentally appropriate eResources by using the Kids A-Z mobile app. Students can complete corresponding quizzes to improve their comprehension skills and use interactive annotation tools that aid in the development of close reading skills. Kids A-Z mobile app is a must-have for kids that have access to Raz-Kids, Science A-Z, Headsprout, or Raz-plus. Showbie – Showbie involves assigning, collecting, and reviewing students’ work in the classroom. This platform makes it easy to share assignments, instructions, and resources with your students. All submitted assignments are kept in a private and convenient server. It also reviews annotations; voice notes and text notes can be added directly to students’ work. Mingoville– With 10 missions, you can use Mingoville to learn the English language. The app has a dictionary that is available in 32 languages and contains over 10,000 audio clips to help you learn to pronounce all types of words. There are also 130 games and activities that will reinforce spelling, reading, grammar, and pronunciation. If you love to sing, there are also 10 songs that you can sing along; you can also participate with your friends.

Spelling Notebook – Spelling Notebook was originally designed to replace students’ paper spelling notebooks, where they listed the words to be learned each week. But this app has moved far beyond the functionality of a simple paper spelling notebook. Students can hear each word spoken aloud, focus on mastering only those words they don’t already know and earn stickers for correct word spellings. It contains a fully searchable spelling dictionary with over 100,000 words, so students can avoid manually entering words (and avoid entry errors!). Spelling Notebook is an excellent way for students to continue spelling practice outside of the classroom or independently during literacy centers.

Visual Thesaurus – The Visual Thesaurus is a dictionary and thesaurus that creates color-coded interactive word maps. It lets users find the precise word they are looking for, develop a better vocabulary through exposure to new but related words, master word usage by accessing definitions and example sentences, and learn to pronounce words correctly through listening to correct pronunciation recordings. The Visual Thesaurus also includes 39,000 proper nouns such as historical figures, phrases, and trademarks.

Raz Kids For Math

Word Hippo – Word Hippo is a one-stop website for all your word needs. It includes a dictionary, thesaurus, synonyms, antonyms, rhymes, example sentences, translations into over 80 languages, the ability to find words of different lengths based on specific letters or blends, the ability to find words in different forms (plural, past tense, present tense, etc.), and the ability to hear pronunciations. Word Hippo is particularly useful for ELL students, during writing or literacy classes, or while playing a Scrabble-type game.

Math Ref– To help students learn math and related subjects, this app combines 1,400 equations and formulas. It can be used in physics, chemistry, science, math, and more. There really is no reason to memorize equations nowadays; instead of writing them down or searching for them every time you need them, Math Ref will keep the formulas you need at your fingertips. The app also includes essential tools such as unit converting, triangle solver, and basic calculators to aid you in doing homework problems.

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